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HotelSearchFreeText Chat API

This is a chat bot API that offers access to HotelSearchFreeText natural language processing. An application using this API allows users to interact via a chat discussion to define common travel parameters such as number of travelers, place names and locations, and fuzzy date ranges. Applications or Travel websites can use this Chat API to use these parsed information elements to search their system for matching flights, hotels, or travel packages.

1. Create Chat Session

Endpoint:  http://www.HotelSearchFreeText.com/api/chat
Method: POST
Request:  none
Request format: none
Response: chat session id
Response format: string

Sample Request:

curl -X POST \
http://www.HotelSearchFreeText.com/api/chat \
-H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
-H 'content-type: application/json'

Sample Response:


2. Put message

Endpoint:  http://www.HotelSearchFreeText.com/api/chat/[chat session id]
Method: PUT
Requestmessage text
Request format: application/json
list of messages and a travel query response object
Response format
json object

Sample Request:

curl -X PUT  \
-H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
-H 'content-type: application/json'

Sample Response:

"SessionId": "636797010807216898-507efb16-43d9-4146-8dc3-758224881a43",
"dtmStart": "2018-12-06T13:51:20",
"lcm": [
"message": "Hi, I am your Cyber Travel Agent, how can I help you ?",
"id": "636797010807226899-cf49a782-266c-4b3b-a58a-4793624a2d00",
"parentId": "",
"dtm": "2018-12-06T13:51:20",
"qi": 0,
"user": false
"message": "book hotels",
"id": "636797010956535439-32cfaf0d-0edb-42c4-8203-d91ad92252ef",
"parentId": "636797010807226899-cf49a782-266c-4b3b-a58a-4793624a2d00",
"dtm": "2018-12-06T13:51:35.6535439-08:00",
"qi": 0,
"user": true
"message": "When do you plan to start your trip ?",
"id": "636797010956535439-6f0264a7-d60b-4a5e-abfa-f5582225f69d",
"parentId": null,
"dtm": "2018-12-06T13:51:35.6535439-08:00",
"qi": 1,
"user": false
"lqiPending": [],
"tqr": {
"hasCheckInDate": false,
"hasCheckOutDate": false,
"checkInDate": null,
"checkOutDate": null,
"hasDepartureLocation": false,
"hasDestinationLocation": false,
"departureLocation": null,
"destinationLocation": null,
"personCount": 0,
"adultCountExists": false,
"adultCount": 0,
"childCountExists": false,
"childCount": 0,
"childAgeExists": false,
"childAges": null,
"currencyCode": null

3. Get messages

Endpoint:  http://www.HotelSearchFreeText.com/api/chat/[chat session id]
Method: GET
Request format:
list of messages and a travel query response object
Response format
json object

Sample Request:

curl -X GET \
http://www.HotelSearchFreeText.com/api/chat/636797013597946519-186a275b-e5aa-45a9-ae07-fb3d14419f02 \
-H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
-H 'content-type: application/json

Sample Response:

"SessionId": "636797010807216898-507efb16-43d9-4146-8dc3-758224881a43",
"dtmStart": "2018-12-06T13:51:20",
"lcm": [
"message": "Hi, I am your Cyber Travel Agent, how can I help you ?",
"id": "636797010807226899-cf49a782-266c-4b3b-a58a-4793624a2d00",
"parentId": "",
"dtm": "2018-12-06T13:51:20",
"qi": 0,
"user": false
"message": "book hotels",
"id": "636797010956535439-32cfaf0d-0edb-42c4-8203-d91ad92252ef",
"parentId": "636797010807226899-cf49a782-266c-4b3b-a58a-4793624a2d00",
"dtm": "2018-12-06T13:51:35.6535439-08:00",
"qi": 0,
"user": true
"message": "When do you plan to start your trip ?",
"id": "636797010956535439-6f0264a7-d60b-4a5e-abfa-f5582225f69d",
"parentId": null,
"dtm": "2018-12-06T13:51:35.6535439-08:00",
"qi": 1,
"user": false
"lqiPending": [],
"tqr": {
"hasCheckInDate": false,
"hasCheckOutDate": false,
"checkInDate": null,
"checkOutDate": null,
"hasDepartureLocation": false,
"hasDestinationLocation": false,
"departureLocation": null,
"destinationLocation": null,
"personCount": 0,
"adultCountExists": false,
"adultCount": 0,
"childCountExists": false,
"childCount": 0,
"childAgeExists": false,
"childAges": null,
"currencyCode": null